At Ashley Manor we cater to a variety of clients’ needs. This not only means offering traditional assisted living services, but also specialized services for clients needing care for Alzheimer’s or other dementia related diseases.
Because of this, we are often asked what the difference is between a traditional assisted living facility and a facility that offers highly specialized memory care services.
Here, founder and CEO, Keith Fletcher gives a few brief differences between the two…
Key Differences Between Assisted Living and Memory Care Facilities
As Keith explains there are a few key differences between an assisted living facility and a memory care facility:
1) Some individuals just need some help with basic, everyday living. That could include reminders and help with medications, meal preparation, and social interaction with others. In that case a traditional assisted living facility may be appropriate.
2) On the other hand, Alzheimer’s and other dementia-related diseases can trigger certain behaviors and a memory care facility will have highly trained staff to help clients manage those behaviors appropriately.
3) Whereas a traditional assisted living facility may provide more broad and general care that benefits each resident, in a memory care facility the care is very specific to each individual based on his or her needs.
Above all, either facility should provide a safe, caring environment that tends to the needs of every client.
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